-Specialties: Rap and Acting Stage Name: J.You (제이유) It's quite exciting to see trainees with numerous talents! 全网搜 热搜榜 VIP. As the group name indicates, this project’s main focus lies on a global scale as 20 trainees from Korea, Japan, China, U.S, Australia and more, will gather and compete in order to make the final cut. -He placed 9th in the live rankings and didn’t make the final four to debut in the group, Jerome (8th place) Nationality: Japanese, Taichi Facts: Jerome is a Korean trainee, focusing on vocals. They have some clips with subtitles on V LIVE! Veinte aprendices masculinos de todo el mundo competirán por un total de diez puestos en un nuevo grupo de chicos …. ©Copyright2020 mio-channel.All Rights Reserved. -He placed 5th in the live rankings and didn’t make the final four that would join the group, KyungHo (4th place) -He placed 10th and will debut with TOO, WoongGi (3rd place) Does anyone know where to watch world klass with subtitles? -He is studying at Hanlim Art School -Specialties: Vocal 1080P蓝光画质. ChiHoon is a Korean trainee and his talents lie both in rap and vocals. 下载客户端. В каждом из них имеется: финские сауны, салоны красоты, бары, солярий, хаммам и многое другое. Image must be about this episode. Blood Type: N/A @ tvN#월드클래스 #KPOP #Mnet #VLIVE #WKBehind #JAEHO, — TOO Official (@too_offcl) October 18, 2019, 「I-LAND」の12人で「into the I-LAND」(番組主題歌)を披露します。, ジェホくんは入場テストで脱落したため、「グランウンド」で12人のパフォーマンスを見守りました。, I-LAND ジェホでるのやばい。超うれしい。でも有名になりそうでやだ。 pic.twitter.com/fHcMOJTkE3, え〜〜〜もう新たなサバイバル見たくなかったんだけどジェホ出るなら見ようかな……I-LAND, World Klassを知ってるそこのあなた!知らないというそこのあなたも!!どうですか!うちのジェホ(左)♡ かわいすぎませんか、、、#WorldKlass #재호 #JAEHO #ジェホ pic.twitter.com/jZaetk5B6M, エンタメ仲介業。面白いエンタメを紹介したい病気です。ドラマ・アイドルが特に好き。F2層(35~49歳女性)/元脚本家。. Poll: Whose verse in AUTOMATIC Remix is your favorite? -He has an older bother 1080P蓝光画质. Blood Type: A Advanced/Professional Ballet Class - Madame Olga . Stone Music Entertainment, partnered with n.CH Entertainment, has announced to launch a global idol project in September 2019. World Klass (Survival Show) World Klass is a global idol project or TOO (Ten Oriented Orchestra) where 20 global trainees will compete to be the final ten members and debut as TOO.Stone Music Entertainment will produce and market the final line up and n.CH Entertainment will manage the group. -Kyung Joon’s Motto: “For every moment given to me, I’ll never give up anything”. 韓国で大人気なサバイバル番組「PRODUCEX101」に続いて -He’s good at speaking English Birth Place: Korea Privacy Policy Blood Type: A Nationality: Korean, Min Su Facts: Nationality: American, Lim Facts: 立即体验. World Klass stars Chan as Chan, J. 7月4日に韓国の新サバイバル番組「World Klass」の予告映像が公開 されました!. -He placed 11th in the live rankings and didn’t make the final four that would debut in the group, Jung Sang (Eliminated) Global project 'TOO' introduced its twelfth trainee, Jerome on July 21, 2019. The last trainee to be revealed is LIM! 7月4日に韓国の新サバイバル番組「World Klass」の予告映像が公開 されました!. Jun 19. -He placed 6th in the live rankings and didn’t make the final four that would debut in the group, Kenny (Eliminated) World Klass《bad guy》练习室 #敏雅韩舞专攻班# World Klass《bad guy》练习室 . Wonder what kind of talent he possesses behind his cute image. Who wore it better? According to the source, his visual is already making the fans hyped up! 第3回順位: 1位. -He placed 3rd and will debut with TOO, JaeHo (Eliminated) You as J. -Lim’s Motto: “Love yourself before loving other people”. World Klass (TOO) (@too_ina_)がシェアした投稿 – 2020年 6月月4日午後12時54分PDT 2019年に放送されたクイーンダムは 「ガールズグループ」の頂上決戦。. Name: Jerome (제롬) it’s the same for you”. Blood Type: B J.YOU is a trainee who only focuses on rap which can be similar to Robin from Australia. Blood Type: B Birth Name: Yoo Han Jun Birthday: December 8, 1999 -Specialties: Vocal, Acting. Nationality: Korean, Si Jun Facts: Nationality: Korean, Jae Yun Facts: JiSu is a Korean trainee who is specially trained for dancing and vocals. -Jae Ho’s Motto: “Stay awake.” -Specialties: Rap, Dancing, and Producing Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. Birth Name: Bae Si Jun Birth Name: Choi Jae Ho Global project 'TOO' introduced its fifteenth trainee, SiJun on July 24, 2019. Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. Global project 'TOO' introduced its fourteenth trainee, JungSang on July 23, 2019. Birth Name: Jang Kyung Ho Birthday: January 19, 2000 Birthday: May 7, 2001 Birth Name: Cho Chan Hyuk -He placed 7th and will debut with TOO, Robin (Eliminated) Stage Name: JiSu (지수) The trainees will perform their missions, not only dancing and singing, but also acting and performing! Zodiac Sign: Cancer Zodiac Sign: Aries -He use to study in Myanmar Birth Name: Choi Chi Hoon 番組の構成の仕方は毎回さすがだなと思わせてくれます。, Mnetは現在プロデュースシリーズでの投票不正疑惑をかけられていて Nationality: Korean, Kyung Ho Facts: Birthday: December 21, 2002 三倍流畅播放. Blood Type: A Nationality: Australian, Robin Facts: Звоните прямо сейчас: ☎ +7 (495) 788-00-00 -Kenny’s Motto: “You must prove that you exist to see your true self.” 新鮮さとか何もかも失われていくけど大丈夫?という感じですね。, デビュー人数は10人と決まっている中で 血液型: b型. Birthday: August 25, 1996 10人組と人数は決まっているみたいです。, しかもデビューグループの名前はTOOと決められてもいるようで The word “TOO” carries the meaning of 10 boys’ aspiration to implement the orient values into western music. World Klass《bad guy》练习室 #敏雅韩舞专攻班# World Klass《bad guy》练习室 . -He placed 5th and will debut with TOO, MinSu (6th place) Name: Robin (로빈) -Favorite Color: Pink (Robin X Lim vLive) -Specialties: Dance, Vocal 生年月日: 2000年11月2日. 第10回順位: 11位(脱落) ... 第10回順位: 第10回順位: world klass委員会審査3位(不祥事発覚のため離脱) j.you. WORLD KLASSも同じように発展していくのか どんな内容でサバイバルしていくのかというと、まぁ若干プデュと被るんですけど, WORLD KLASS委員会の審査員3名 You as J. -Specialties: Vocal 難しいとこもあるような気がします。, 次回のコメントで使用するためブラウザーに自分の名前、メールアドレス、サイトを保存する。. -Chi Hoon’s Motto: “Focusing on the past will disrupt the future, but focusing on the present will complete the future”. World Klass Official Facebook Name: Taichi (타이치) Stage Name: JaeYun (재윤) In the midst of K-POP's glory days, finally out of many typical existing audition programs! Birthday: April 3, 2003 -Chan’s Motto: “Let’s move smartly”. Birth Place: Korea World Klass (Survival Show) World Klass is a global idol project or TOO (Ten Oriented Orchestra) where 20 global trainees will compete to be the final ten members and debut as TOO.Stone Music Entertainment will produce and market the final line … World Klass stars Chan as Chan, J. Birth Place: Hong Kong By continuing to browse this website, you declare to accept the use of cookies. -Specialties: Dance, Vocal -Specialties: Vocal and Acting Global project 'TOO' introduced its third trainee, Robin on July 12, 2019. Yuqi ((G)i-dle), Jinny, Soodam, Léa (Secret Number), Gyuri, Chaeyoung (Fromis_9). ひと昔前の各事務所のサバイバル番組のようですね。, この2人をめちゃくちゃ推すかわいい癒された…まだたいちくんが韓国語上手じゃないから余計キヨオ…( ˘ω˘ ) スヤァ#WorldKlass #タイチ #ジェホ #too#taichi #jaeho pic.twitter.com/hDz4lb3oMi, 今回のサバイバル番組では、ファイナルステージまで脱落者はでません。 -Specialties: Rap (Magic Spell)”. -He placed 7th in the live rankings but didn’t make the final four that would debut in the group, Si Jun (Eliminated) Global project 'TOO' introduced its fifth trainee, JiSu on July 14, 2019. 毎回入れ替えみたいなので公平性があっていいですね。, 1、毎週土曜日0時~翌週金曜0時まで投票可能 The project, led by Jung ChanHwan(Lead producer), will be organized through a new Mnet show called, “World Klass”, where the contestants will compete in order to be in the final 10 that will form “TOO(Ten Oriented Orchestra)”. It seems the competition for the vocal position is getting hotter and hotter! -He is of Cambodian ethnicity and half-Filipino Disclaimer World of Solitaire is undergoing maintenance. -He has a tattoo on his back and his left hand (or right hand)  and on his right arm(Episode 1) ストーンミュージックの練習生かな?という推察です。, この番組、何よりも“必ず視聴してる”オタクには強い番組ですよね。