// Email verification when new user register, 'Password reset email has been sent, please check your inbox. Then, in AuthenticationService.updateDisplayName (2), we create a UserProfileChangeRequest (3), set the user name, and commit the changes to Firebase Authentication (4).

Then, define the signUp(email, password) method and pass email and password values in it. Firebase automatically stores the opaque user identifier Apple provides in the Firebase user that is created when you invoke currentUser.link() or Auth.auth().signIn(). Go to registration.page.ts, replace the current signUp() method with the following code. In this final step, we are going to add a secure method to Logout from the Ionic 4 app using Firebase API. Hey Reham i have the same problem has you even if i add “priority” : “high” to paramString: [String : Any]. Learn how to get started Key capabilities. Tapping it redirects you back to our app where an orange view will present itself if the authentication is successful. Thanks so much . This ID will then be stored in the local keychain, to make it easier to transparently sign in the user when they return to the app. It secures your relevant data, […] Create a shared folder, create auth.ts file in it, we define the data types for the user object. 3.1 Enable “Push Notifications” capabilities in Xcode, by selecting the build target and then Capabilities tab. “priority” : “high” to paramString: [String : Any], Hey Reham i have the same problem as you, i added “priority” : “high” to paramString: [String : Any] but i don t receive any notification. Otherwise, you’ll get a crash. Or worse - they signed in using an identity provider on one platform, but you only support Email/Password sign-in on your other platforms. Regardless, you still need to configure your own Apple certificates as well as Firebase projects to be able to send your own notifications. // Implementation courtesy of https://stackoverflow.com/a/56852456/281221, : Context) -> ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton {, presentationMode: Binding. So to handle the link when we deep link back into our app, we will use onOpenUrl! Google Login has various advantages such as easy to use, and no forgotten password, no email verification, and google trust. Thanks for reading! There are many benefits to using Email Link Authentication. With Email Link, users do not need to create a password to sign up or use one at login. Firebase Setup: https://youtu.be/rd-c2EXBQns6. Add Firebase config details in the src/environment.ts file. Your email address will not be published. Next, open the dashboard.page.html file and access the SignOut() method. Then, we have got a solution for you to login with social sign-in providers.

florian, I can’t thank you enough. We do this in a helper method, appleIDRequest, by creating ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest (which is a subclass of ASAuthorizationRequest): After creating the request using ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider.createRequest() (1), we configure a couple of things: Here is the code to generate the nonce and compute it’s secure hash code (using the SHA-256 algorithm): Usually, when you authenticate a user, you will use Auth.auth().signIn() to sign them in to Firebase. When our app launches, we will see the default “Hello, world!” text view that Xcode generated in our ContentView. This is the file you’ve downloaded earlier from Firebase Console. These fields are required when setting up Dynamic Links. Plus, users can always upgrade their account to login with a password or auth provider like Google, Facebook, or Apple. The verification email follows a standard format and can be further customized on the Firebase Console.